The Good In It..

I can talk about The Mercy of Allah for so long, how The Mercy of Allah cannot be measured. Sometimes you may not be able to see it, but you can only feel it.

As humans we are so close minded when we think of the hardship that comes before us, we only think of ways getting out of, than seeing the reason why we are in this situation. That there is a greater good in it.

I have noticed that whenever I get too comfortable with the way I am living, something comes out of somewhere and I get tested for the things I consider to be good for me. How do we know what is good for us? I mean a healthy, clean environment is good for us. What is not good for us is to dwell on the things (hardship) that we have no power to change.

One must make sure that they have a positive attitude. How you go through it, is what you will remember.



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